Pathways to Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants

Providing a legislative road map to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

A Pathway to Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants

The Numbers are Clear:
The Public Supports It. America’s Workforce Needs It. The U.S. Economy Will Expand Because of It. It’s the Right Thing to Do.

According to estimates, undocumented immigrants belong to groups the U.S. public overwhelmingly supports being granted U.S. citizenship. With undocumented immigrants already filling substantial shares of critical occupations, America’s workforce will need undocumented immigrants to gain U.S. citizenship for a strong, post COVID-19 economy. Congress has no time to waste in building America back better.

Commonsense Legislation Providing Pathways to Citizenship

Congress has many bipartisan legislative tools to provide citizenship for undocumented immigrants, either for the entire undocumented population or for certain undocumented groups.


Number of Dreamers Under 2021 Dream Act

Press Release

NEW REPORT: On Anniversary of DACA Creation, New Data Shows Granting Citizenship is Vital for DACA Recipients


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