Tell Congress: Create a Pathway For Our 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Eleven million people are currently living in our country but lack a path to citizenship. It’s hurting all of us.

Providing an earned pathway to citizenship for the roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. would be a huge lift to our economy.

America is stronger when everyone is given a chance to thrive, yet more than 11 million people are currently living in the U.S. without any path toward earning citizenship.

Nearly three in four Americans support undocumented immigrants being able to stay in the United States and eventually apply for citizenship. Why? Because commonsense reform that includes a path to citizenship would increase economic growth, lower the deficit, and increase the incomes of all Americans. Additionally, it would help decrease the cost of border security while at the same time increasing its effectiveness.

Issue Center

Your Deep Dive: Creating a Pathway to Citizenship

Champions of Reform

Advocates Pushing For Commonsense Reform

These allies know America is stronger when everyone is given an opportunity to contribute.