Press Release/News/Immigration

President Biden’s Visit to the Border Tomorrow

We want to ensure you have the latest and most pragmatic policy solutions in advance of President Biden’s visit to the U.S. southern border tomorrow.

As the need for better policy solutions around forced migration continues, President Biden should use this opportunity to put forth a framework that recenters the national conversation towards a better approach that creates safe, orderly legal pathways for migration, a more orderly and secure border, while also helping provide protections for long-term undocumented members of our communities. This is the moment to take clear and popular policy steps that stand in contrast with the xenophobic demagoguery of former President Donald Trump.

We know that if the United States creates functional, legal migration pathways, we can construct a more humane immigration system. This approach will not only alleviate pressures at the border but also lead to better outcomes for both immigrants and Americans, making our policies more politically resilient.

See below for more information from’s research and policy briefs that show how to build legal pathways that reduce pressure at the border and create a more secure and orderly process:

Building Legal Avenues is the Best Pathway Forward
Addressing the Challenges of Forced Migration at the Border and in our Communities
NYT Op-ed: We Know What Doesn’t Work at the Border. Here’s a Better Solution.

Statement from President Todd Schulte:

"President Biden's border visit is a great opportunity to reset and drive a clear policy and communications vision to build safe, orderly legal pathways that take pressure off the border, focus on reducing unauthorized migration, and also refocus his efforts on protecting long-term undocumented immigrants. The President has the power to do all of this, and such clear actions – when contrasted with former President Trump’s promises of cruelty, chaos and family separation at the border – represent the most effective approach."

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