Felicity Rose

VP, Criminal Justice Research & Policy

Felicity Rose serves as the Vice President of Criminal Justice Research & Policy at FWD.us, where she fights for data-driven policy change in some of the nation's highest-incarcerating states.

Ms. Rose spearheaded the research behind FWD.us's reports Every Second, which provided the first rigorous estimate of how many adults in the United States have experienced family incarceration, People First, which explored the impact of dehumanizing language on public opinion, and Turning the Page, a comprehensive look at Oklahoma's work to safely reduce incarceration and the many problems the state has yet to tackle.

Ms. Rose has worked in the field of criminal justice reform for more than 15 years, including leading analysis of sentencing and corrections data to inform comprehensive policy reform efforts in states across the country. She received her master's degree in public policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley and her undergraduate degree from Brown University. Felicity lives in Oakland, CA.