Pass the Dream and Promise Act Now

Pass the Dream and Promise Act Now

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Javier is a DACA recipient and part of the nearly one million Dreamers working as essential workers during the pandemic. As a nurse, he spent months working on the front lines in a unit that was so full of COVID patients that it ran out of beds. DACA has given him many opportunities, but without a pathway to citizenship, he and his family are living their lives in 2-year increments. He remains at risk of being ripped out of his job and separated from his wife and 1-year-old daughter.

The Dream and Promise Act is headed towards a historic vote in the House of Representatives that would provide a permanent pathway to citizenship to over 3 million Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status holders, and Deferred Enforced Departure recipients like Javier. It is vital for protecting families and ensuring millions of individuals, many working in essential industries like healthcare and agriculture, are able to fully contribute to the response and recovery from COVID-19. It’s a critical first step toward much-needed relief for all 11 million undocumented community members who call the United States home.

The House of Representatives must vote to pass the Dream and Promise Act to create a pathway to citizenship #ForOurFamilies.