
Statement from DACA Recipients on’ Staff on DACA post-Trump Era

WASHINGTON, DC — DACA recipients on’ staff released the following statement today as the Trump Administration ends:

“On the last full day of the Trump Administration, the undocumented community rejoices that the DACA program outlived Trump and his anti-immigrant allies' reckless attempts to dismantle DACA and continued heartless effort to separate families every single day. Despite their hateful efforts, DACA has survived the last four years, protected by multiple courts across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court. These victories are due directly to the tireless work of the undocumented community – Dreamers and those who did not qualify for DACA – and other advocates who have stood up for our communities time and again.

“We urge Congress and the incoming Biden Administration to pass legislation immediately that provides a clear pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants, work to undo the terrible harms of the Trump Administration that weaponized our existing immigration system, and enact policies that keep all families safe and together.”

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