Press Release/News/Dreamers/Immigration/Pathway

ICYMI: On Citizenship Day, New White House Memo Details Strong Economic Contributions of Immigrants

We wanted to make sure you’re aware of this critical new memo from the White House Council of Economic Advisors entitled “The Economic Benefits of Extending Permanent Legal Status to Unauthorized Immigrants,” in which the White makes clear not only do they want a pathway to citizenship included in the reconciliation package, but they clearly show why it has direct budgetary impact and can and must be included in this package. You can read more in Axios.

The White House also released the President’s Citizenship Day remarks, a clear signal from the President that he is leaning in to push for inclusion of a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS holders, farmworkers and other essential workers in the reconciliation package.

Also this week, launched two new TV ads as part of its seven-figure national TV and digital campaign. The first ad, “Belong,” focuses on the economic benefits of passing a pathway to citizenship and keeping workers working and paying taxes. The second ad, “Nereyda,” features a DACA recipient and essential worker sharing her story and detailing the bipartisan support she’s seen for a pathway to citizenship, as well as her Pastor Father Ed Hislop who addresses the moral imperative for passing this legislation.

Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants currently living, working, and contributing to our families and communities across this country. This can and must be the year.

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