Press Release/News/Immigration/Texas Texas State Director Statement on Biden Administration U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 Proposal

AUSTIN, TX – Texas State Director Zaira Garcia issued the following statement today on the proposed U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, which would provide a much needed pathway to citizenship for our nation’s undocumented population, among other provisions:

“I congratulate the Biden-Harris Administration on their historic inauguration and look forward to working with them and the new Congress to enact meaningful immigration reform that benefits Texas’ communities and economy. The U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 is an important first step, as this would provide a much needed pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants who have been contributing to our communities for decades, while protecting legal immigration avenues and expanding opportunity for those seeking refuge.

“Texas is home to nearly five million immigrant residents who pay $38.6 billion in annual taxes, more than 2.6 million of whom are working in essential industries crucial to our COVID-19 response and recovery as the pandemic continues to ravage the Lone Star State. With three in four Americans on both sides of the aisle in support of a pathway to permanent legal status for all undocumented immigrants, the time for reform is now.

“Creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants is supported and needed as we work to recover from the pandemic. I am encouraged by the immediate steps that the Biden Administration is taking to restore the U.S.’ moral leadership, do right by the millions of hardworking immigrants who have helped keep all of us safe and cared for during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to keep families safe and together. I urge Senator Cornyn and his congressional colleagues to swiftly pass legislation such as the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 that affirms protections for immigrants. Creating a pathway to citizenship, among other much needed reforms to our broken immigration system, will benefit Texas’ communities and economy, and is integral to our COVID-19 recovery. It’s finally time to get this done – Texans can’t wait any longer.”

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