WASHINGTON, D.C. — FWD.us President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today in support of the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Non-Immigrants Act (NO BAN Act) by Senator Chris Coons and Representative Judy Chu:
“We applaud the introduction of the NO BAN Act by Senator Chris Coons and Representative Judy Chu. Congress can and must stand up against efforts to assault basic freedoms. There is no place for religious tests in our immigration laws. Anti-Muslim bias must be called out and rejected. FWD.us will continue to fight against efforts to discriminate against and demonize people based on where they are from or how they worship, and we urge Members on both sides of the aisle to stand up for the basic principles of religious freedom and liberty upon which our nation was founded, and providing oversight and accountability of the Executive Branch is an important part of that process.”