Press Release/News/Dreamers/Immigration Statement on Top Businesses’ and Trade Associations’ Amicus Brief Supporting DACA

More than 140 of the nation’s top businesses and trade associations, which collectively represent nearly every sector of the United States economy, have joined an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. President Todd Schulte issued the following statement praising these businesses for standing up in support of Dreamers:

“The amicus brief from leading businesses and trade associations reaffirms that Dreamers contribute directly to the success of some of the United States’ most innovative and important companies across every sector of the economy. DACA recipients are American in every way except on paper, and they make our economy and our communities stronger. With work authorization and deportation protections provided through the DACA program, hundreds of thousands of Dreamers across the country have been able to contribute their skills and talents to the American workforce, making our economy stronger and strengthening our middle class through their economic contributions.

“Deporting Dreamers to countries they barely know is immoral and wrong. The Supreme Court should do right by this vital population and agree with what federal courts across the country have made clear: the Trump Administration’s decision to terminate DACA was unlawful.”

A press release from the Coalition for the American Dream is available here.

Read the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of the amicus brief here.

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