Press Release/News/Dreamers/Immigration Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision to Protect DACA

“The Court’s decision today is a major victory for DACA recipients, their families and communities, and basic standards of justice, fairness and what our country can be in its best moments. This ruling was only possible because of the courage and resiliency of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients who bravely stood up and refused to be ignored. It is a decision we will fight to protect. At a time when our nation is directly confronting its long history of targeting Black people and when communities across America are actively fighting over an affirmative vision of who gets to survive and thrive in America, 700,000 DACA recipients across the country have been facing extreme, unprecedented challenges, far beyond their current day-to-day hardships. After more than two years of forcing DACA recipients to live in limbo in order to use them as bargaining chips, the Trump Administration must commit to leaving DACA in place, immediately extend all current renewals that expire within the year and finally support the Dream and Promise Act that passed the House last year.

“It has never been clearer that we must double down on our work together to achieve the promise of what our nation can, should, and must become. DACA has been a tremendously successful program for hundreds of thousands of young people, their loved ones, their employers, and for communities across the country. Critically, DACA recipients – including 27,000 healthcare workers – are also at the frontlines of combatting the COVID-19 crisis in the U.S., and thousands of others are also playing a vital role helping all of our communities fight this global health crisis. DACA recipients enrich our communities in every way, and have made countless contributions to our communities; they must finally be allowed to continue building their lives with certainty and stability. DACA is overwhelmingly popular among Americans of all backgrounds, and, as legal authorities and advocates have been saying for 7 years: it is legal. Today, the nation's highest court affirmed this, while resoundingly rejecting the Trump Administration’s effort to end DACA and hurt DACA recipients.

“The joy of today’s victory does not cloud the difficult road ahead because we know that much work remains to be done. We are deeply grateful for the years of advocacy, led by DACA recipients and Dreamers across the country, that brought us to this moment, and will continue to take every action possible to protect these incredible young people. We urge the Senate to take up the Dream and Promise Act immediately, which would finally provide Dreamers with permanent legislative protections. And as this fight continues within a national moment of reckoning we will continue to join the rallying cry, growing louder and more organized every day, that Black lives must be valued and protected. We remain hopeful that together we will achieve the freedom, liberty, and justice that our nation has failed to deliver for far too many, for far too long.”

Statement From DACA Recipients on Staff on Supreme Court’s Decision to Protect DACA

“For decades, millions of young people like us who came to the United States as children have fought tirelessly to be fully acknowledged as human beings in the only country we know as home. The Court’s decision today is a major victory for DACA recipients, our families, and communities – and it is one that we will continue to fight to keep in place. The road to victory was paved by the fearlessness of the thousands of undocumented leaders who came before us, and is only able to happen because of the labor and leadership of Black organizers who for generations championed racial justice, civil rights, and continue their fight to defend Black lives today.

“The nation's highest court resoundingly rejected the Trump Administration’s effort to end DACA today while affirming what we have always known to be true: that our home is here. While DACA was never a perfect solution, it has been transformative for many of us, providing an opportunity to live less fearfully, come out of the shadows, and to contribute more fully to our families and our communities. In the midst of our badly broken and inhumane immigration system, DACA has been a lifeline.

“Today’s ruling is meaningful for the road we have walked, but it is nowhere near a long-term solution in the struggle for racial justice. We stand in solidarity with our Black siblings, some with DACA, who shoulder the trauma of police brutality and racial injustice because of the color of their skin. We will continue to fight against mass incarceration, immigrant detention, and the pervasive policing that targets Black people and communities of color. The Court’s decision strengthens our resolve as we fight against these injustices together.

“Today’s ruling steels our determination to continue fighting for our communities, and for the many millions of families who are continually torn apart by our broken, harmful immigration and criminal legal systems. Regardless of what this Administration and its enablers do, we will never give up fighting for justice – and we know that millions of advocates and allies across the country stand with us in this fight.

“To our elected officials: Standing up for what is just and moral requires courage, especially in the face of electoral challenges. The path forward requires bold action and a willingness to put aside what is politically expedient in favor of the right thing to do. At the end of the day, government leaders must be willing to take risks to tackle civil rights disparities and improve the quality of life for all of us, including immigrant Americans. If lawmakers cannot do the job they were elected to do, they do not deserve the privilege of representing us in office. The American people deserve better than spineless leadership.

“It is incumbent on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to show meaningful leadership and take up the Dream and Promise Act immediately, which would provide us with permanent legislative protections. As DACA recipients, we have lived with fear and uncertainty for years, and while the cruelty of this Administration is acute, we will not go back to living in the shadows. Pass the bill – no more excuses.”

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