Press Release/News/Immigration/TPS Statement on Reintroduction of the SECURE Act

WASHINGTON, DC — President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today after Senator Chris Van Hollen reintroduced the Safe Environment from Countries Under Repression and Emergency (SECURE) Act, which would allow Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders to apply for lawful permanent resident (LPR) status to obtain a green card if they meet certain criteria:

“The SECURE Act is critical, commonsense legislation that would provide urgently-needed relief and stability for thousands of our loved ones, colleagues, and neighbors who are TPS holders. These individuals are already contributing to our communities across the country every day, including thousands who are serving in roles as essential frontline workers combatting the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. They deserve a clear pathway with which to obtain legal status, allowing them to build their lives with certainty and stay safe and together with their families, free from the fear of deportation. We urge Congress to pass this bill without delay.”

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