FWD.us Statement on New York Governor’s State of the State Address

WASHINGTON, DC – FWD.us issued the following statement on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State Address prioritizing criminal justice and immigration reform:

Statement on Criminal Justice Reforms

“We are deeply encouraged at the improved pretrial reform policy proposals Governor Cuomo included in this year's executive budget. His bail reform proposal takes meaningful steps towards significantly reducing unjust pretrial jailing across the state,” said Rena Karefa-Johnson, FWD.us Criminal Justice Senior Associate. “New Yorkers are ready for real, bold bail reform that truly safeguards the presumption of innocence and ends wealth and race-based detention. We look forward to working with the Administration to create a universal presumption of release, ensure that New York does not replace incarceration with expansive use of electronic monitoring, limit the use of pretrial detention without the possibility of release, and eliminate the possibility of pretrial detention for people charged with low-level crimes.

The time has come for New York to lead the nation on criminal justice reform and we are hopeful that Albany can bring New Yorkers the pretrial justice they deserve this session.”

Statement on Immigration Reforms

“Yesterday’s announcement from Governor Cuomo regarding the New York State DREAM Act has been many years in the making and is welcomed news. Families, like my neighbors, friends, and coworkers, have long waited for the New York State DREAM Act to become a reality,” said Pamela Chomba, FWD.us Director of State Immigration Campaigns.

“We are pleased with the Governor's efforts to create a brighter future for immigrant students, and encourage him to also not forget the members of their families who need drivers licenses to fully participate in the state’s economy and support themselves. All New Yorkers deserve to live without the fear that driving to work or dropping off their children at school could lead to deportation. It's time to make another dream – driver licenses for all, regardless of their immigration status – a reality for New Yorkers.”

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