AUSTIN, TX — Texas State Director Zaira Garcia released the following statement today on new data showing that millions of people in Texas could stand to benefit from inclusion in federal relief efforts in the latest proposed coronavirus aid legislation, the HEROES Act:
“There are an estimated 2,357,000 people in mixed-status families in Texas. So far, these individuals have been excluded from pandemic relief stimulus payments, but thankfully, the recently introduced HEROES act would provide relief for these families, including 940,000 children and spouses who are U.S. citizens or green card holders, who have yet to receive this much-needed support. I hope that our congressional elected officials on both sides of the aisle come together to provide relief to individuals who are suffering because lawmakers chose to exclude them from previous relief packages. Immigrants are vital members of the American family and are saving lives in this country every single day. Elected officials must work together to urgently pass this important piece of legislation.”