WASHINGTON, DC – FWD.us President Todd Schulte released the following statement today on the 7 year anniversary of the enactment of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants temporary work authorization and protection from deportation to young undocumented individuals who entered the United States under the age of 16, and meet stringent background check requirements:
“Since its inception seven years ago, the DACA program has enabled nearly 800,000 hardworking young Dreamers to come out of the shadows and contribute more fully to our communities and the American economy. These individuals, most of whom arrived in the United States at age six, own homes, start businesses that employ native-born Americans, and pay billions of dollars in taxes every year. Dreamers have deep roots in their communities across the country; uprooting their lives would be devastating for them and the millions of Americans who stand with Dreamers.
“DACA has absolutely, 100 percent proven that giving undocumented immigrants the ability to work and live legally in the United States is an overwhelming success not just for DACA recipients and their families, but for America and all Americans. DACA has allowed hundreds of thousands of young Americans to do both incredible and very ordinary things. It has allowed our organization to hire amazing young people, and we’re all stronger and better at our jobs because of them.
“Last week, the House took an historic step forward in passing the Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6), vital legislation that will create an earned pathway to citizenship for more than two million Dreamers and TPS holders. The Senate should immediately bring this meaningful legislation to a vote and allow millions of people who are American in every way to continue contributing to the only country they know as home."