Press Release/News/Immigration Honor Lives Lost in Bridge Collapse By Protecting Families

WASHINGTON, DC – President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today as President Biden visited Baltimore to meet with family members of the individuals who were tragically killed in last week’s bridge collapse:

“Last week’s terrible tragedy on the Francis Scott Key Bridge once again brought into sharp relief the enormous risks and countless contributions that undocumented members of our communities make every single day, all across our country. We’re glad to see President Biden meeting with their families and loved ones – and we agree with their families that it is essential to honor their memories by providing protections from deportation and expanding work authorization so that more people can stay safe and together with their loved ones.

“We encourage you to read more from our partners at CASA [also included below].

“We urge President Biden to act right now to protect more American families, and will continue working for a permanent legislative solution from Congress that extends a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented people who contribute to our country every day.”

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