Press Release/News/Immigration/Legal Avenues Statement on the Defeat of H.R. 4760

WASHINGTON, DC – President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today after the House rejected the Secure America’s Future Act:

“The failure of the Secure America's Future (SAF) Act is a resounding rejection of the anti-immigrant policies promoted by groups like NumbersUSA, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and others who support similar legislation. Their efforts have failed to secure majorities in either body of Congress after decades of trying. As recent polling showing that only 17% of Americans want legal immigration cut and today has made clear, the American public has no appetite for policies that would slash legal immigration by almost 50%, fail to provide a permanent solution for Dreamers, and criminalize immigrants that have lived in the U.S. for decades, let alone correct the manufactured crisis unfolding along our southern border.

“To fix our immigration system, Congress must work in a bipartisan fashion. They must push aside the restrictionist-supported anti-immigrant groups that advocate for legislation like the SAF Act and listen to the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe immigrants are good for our country. The American public wants lawmakers to not only provide an earned path to citizenship for Dreamers, but for their families, and to create a fairer system that allows current and future immigrants to contribute to our country.”

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