Press Release/News/Dreamers/Immigration Launches Nationwide Six-Figure Ad Buy Urging Congress to Pass Legislation to Protect Dreamers Immediately

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, is releasing a new nationwide ad featuring Dreamer Hector Rivera Suarez as part of a continuing six-figure digital advertising campaign to highlight the urgency around passing permanent legislative protections for Dreamers. Hector, whose DACA protections expire in just two days on January 21, is student body president at Guilford College in North Carolina. He graduated high school as valedictorian with a dual high school diploma and associate’s degree, and hopes to use his college education to enroll in Teach for America and pursue a career in education. Without congressional action to protect Dreamers permanently from deportation, Hector will be unable to use the degree he has worked so hard to earn, and he will be targeted for deportation from the only country he considers home.

The ad buy comes as momentum builds in Congress to pass a legislative solution for Dreamers before January 19. Since President Trump eliminated the DACA program in September, more than 16,000 Dreamers have lost work authorization and deportation protections — and that number will continue to grow until Congress takes action.

It will take time for the Department of Homeland Security to set up and implement any new program for Dreamers to apply for permanent protections, and for DHS to adjudicate those applications. Immigrant youth have shown incredible courage and love for their country each and every day, despite not knowing whether they’ll have permission to continue contributing in the near future. Congress must do right by them in January.

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