Press Release/News/Dreamers/Immigration Issues Key Vote Recommendation in Support of Historic Dream and Promise Act

WASHINGTON, DC — today announced a Key Vote Recommendation on the Dream and Promise Act, strongly urging all members of Congress to vote YES on this important and historic legislation. The formal vote recommendation is here.

In the recommendation, President Todd Schulte writes:

“If Congress does not act, millions of longtime residents will be forced to leave their jobs or drop out of school, and will be exposed to a serious risk of deportation to countries that are unsafe to return to and which they may not even remember. This will force significant fiscal costs on U.S. businesses that employ them, and take a tremendous human toll on their communities and families, including U.S. citizen children. There is no doubt these individuals have made tremendous contributions and have earned a place in America; this bill would ensure they are able to continue doing so.

“When President Trump ended DACA, he told Congress it was their responsibility to find a solution. While no bill will be perfect, we believe the Dream and Promise Act is a good, narrow, and balanced answer. The provisions in this bill are supported by a vast majority of Americans across the political spectrum, and have been a consistent point of agreement among legislators on both sides of the aisle.”

The Dream and Promise Act (H.R.6) — introduced by Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (NY-7), and CongresswomanYvette Clarke (NY-9) — would create an earned path to citizenship for more than two million DACA recipients, DACA-eligible individuals, TPS holders and DED recipients who have been living and building families in the United States for decades.

New polling released last week by Global Strategy Group shows that providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers continues to be overwhelmingly popular, with 77% of voters supporting this provision. This support extends across party lines and all demographic groups. Moreover, support remains incredibly high, even in the face of negative attacks using opponents’ arguments.

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