Press Release/Immigration/Pathway Issues Key Vote Recommendation in Support of “Dream and Promise Act” and “Farm Workforce Modernization Act”

WASHINGTON, DC — today announced a key vote recommendation strongly urging all members of Congress to vote “YES” on the “Dream and Promise Act” and “Farm Workforce Modernization Act,” which together would provide a long-overdue pathway to citizenship for millions of DACA recipients, Dreamers, TPS holders, DED recipients, and undocumented farmworkers who have been living and building families in the United States for decades. Importantly, both bills were approved in the last Congress on a bipartisan vote.

The formal vote recommendation is here. In the recommendation, President Todd Schulte writes:

“The provisions in these bills are very popular, and have been a consistent point of agreement among legislators on both sides of the aisle. Polling from last week shows that 72% of Americans support H.R. 6, and 63% say they will blame both parties if immigration reform fails to pass this year. Both of these bills passed the House in the 116th Congress with bipartisan support. Given the incredible contributions and sacrifices of these individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic, that bipartisan support, and the urgency to act, should be even stronger now. There is still much work to be done in fixing our long failed immigration system, but providing certainty to these hardworking, aspiring Americans is a crucial first step.” strongly urges a “YES” vote on the “Dream and Promise Act” (H.R. 6) and the “Farm Workforce Modernization Act” (H.R. 1603).

The “Dream and Promise Act” (H.R.6) — introduced by Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (NY-7), and Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (NY-9) — would create a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, DACA-eligible individuals, TPS holders and DED recipients who have been living and building families in the United States for decades.

Additionally, a majority of our nation’s roughly 2.4 million farmworkers are undocumented and live with the daily fear of deportation. The “Farm Workforce Modernization Act” (H.R. 1603) — introduced by U.S. Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA) — would address this by providing undocumented farmworkers and their immediate family members with a pathway to citizenship. It also takes steps to modernize the agriculture guest worker visa, helping provide stability for farmers and the agricultural workforce.

More than 23 million immigrant essential workers, including more than 5 million undocumented immigrants, have been on the frontlines of the response to COVID-19. They are vital to our continued public health response and economic recovery from this crisis, and our laws should reflect that.

New national polling released this month found an electorate eager for congressional action on immigration and very high levels of support for the major citizenship proposals currently being considered by Congress, with nearly 80% of voters in support of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. strongly urges a “YES” vote on the “Dream and Promise Act” (H.R. 6) and the “Farm Workforce Modernization Act” (H.R. 1603).

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