Press Release/News/Florida/Immigration Florida State Director on the Introduction of Equal Financial Aid Access Legislation in Florida

TALLAHASSEE, FL — Florida State Director Ted Hutchinson issued the following statement yesterday on the introduction of HB 923. HB 923, along with its Senate companion SB 300, would extend equal access to state financial aid for undocumented Floridians, opening the doors to our universities for students we have already invested in. This commonsense legislation benefits all Floridians and should receive bipartisan support:

“The legislation introduced by Senator Annette Taddeo (D-Miami) and State Representative Marie Woodson (D-Broward) is an important step towards equal access for thousands of young Floridians who dream of pursuing higher education. This is an important continuation of the bipartisan progress the Florida legislature made in 2014 when it made in-state tuition rates available to all Florida residents. We are thankful for Senator Taddeo and Representative Woodson’s leadership in advancing this commonsense policy that makes higher education a reality for more young Floridians, ultimately creating jobs and expanding the economy.

“Today, Florida spends thousands of dollars per student each year in K-12 education, and we are letting our investment go to waste if we prevent Florida residents – regardless of their immigration status – from having equal access to higher education. Expanding access to higher education grows the talent available in our workforce which will benefit innovation and growth, helping our state retain talented Floridians and allowing us to remain economically competitive.

“We urge the Florida legislature to quickly pass both these bills and ensure that we are equipping the next generation of Floridians with the tools necessary to continue growing Florida’s economy.”

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