Meet Jesus. He is a first responder and one of the millions of undocumented people who are essential workers battling COVID-19. Growing up alongside family in Texas, he wakes up every day to give back to his God, community, and country. Everything he does is for his family and to make his mom proud. As a paramedic, he’s worked to save lives during natural disasters, like Hurricane Harvey in Houston, where he’s had to pull people out of dangerous, toxic water and save children.

DACA’s allowed him to work, but DACA alone doesn’t fix our broken immigration system. Immigrants like Jesus fill essential health care, agricultural, transportation and manufacturing roles, and essential workers deserve protection. There is no true COVID-19 recovery for our nation without a pathway to citizenship for immigrant families like Jesus’ keeping us safe. America’s families deserve a fair and orderly immigration system that keeps our families safe.

President Biden has the opportunity to reclaim our values and do the right thing by creating a pathway for our country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants. It's time to deliver a permanent solution for undocumented immigrants and fair and humane immigration and policies.

Join us in taking the pledge to support our families by calling on President Biden to support a pathway #ForOurFamilies.