The Education Fund is a bipartisan organization that believes America’s families, communities, and economy thrive when everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. 

At our best, America’s promise has included a commitment to those seeking refuge; we have presented our nation as a beacon of hope and refuge for the world. However, functional legal pathways that do exist, including asylum, are under extreme pressure and broken — and still under attack.

The U.S. does not currently have modern, working, and safe legal pathways — either for family reunification, for work, or to seek refuge — which allow people to come to the U.S, including for people from most countries in the Western Hemisphere. We’ve seen that when individuals and families are given the option of a legal and orderly channel, they consistently choose it over crossing without authorization. In short, we have proof that legal channels work to decrease chaos and improve order. 

Families belong together — safe and free. In a harsh, imperfect world, we know that policies that will ban the most vulnerable from a basic right to seek refuge are wrong. We must have a humane, timely, and fair asylum process, but it should be the last resort — not the only option for nearly everyone.